Boutique Nous soutenir


09.30.23 - 01.28.24

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Vernissage : 09.30.23 at 6:30 p.m.

Camille PEYRE. Gare à vous

Fresh out of the photography department of La Cambre, Camille Peyre might in fact never have set foot there. Originally from the Jura region, he obtained his baccalaureate from a hotel management school before he began to work in the luxury hotel industry. This took him to several countries and a number of prestigious establishments, but he soon realized the limitations of the industry. He then began to dream of something else.

With a keen interest in economics and finance and in their impact on our lives, Camille Peyre sees the work uniform as a symbolic object marking differences in class and power. ‘The uniform is a regulated and contractual item of clothing, it unites the team, it is a work tool and a means of efficiency that influences staff productivity. The uniform muzzles individuality, causes weariness and is a profound marker of social class in the work hierarchy.’ Rather than turn his lens on workers, he chose to make a series of digital self-portraits in collaboration for the technical realization with Salomé Felgenhauer.

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From the Gare à vous series Digital printing on tarpaulin PVC, with the help of Barbara Salomé Felgenhauer for technical realization © Camille Peyre