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01/02/25 - 18/05/25

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Quartier Jean-Bart Guynemer. Loredana Marini

Since October 2023, Loredana Marini has started a study about the social housing suburb called Jean-Bart Guynemer in the north of France, in Dunkirk (Saint-Pol-Sur-Mer).

This choice comes from the desire to understand contemporary social issues in an environment where challenges are palpable, particularly during a period of neighborhood rehabilitation.

Loredana went to Saint-Pol-Sur-Mer each month for a few days in order to live with the residents of the neighborhood. She uses a dark chamber to get both colour and black and white photographs, which allows her to get closer to the residents by using a process that defines a precise frame for each image.

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Loredana Marini. From the series Quartier Jean-Bart Guynemer © Loredana Marini