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Past exhibitions

Past exhibitions

Visuel exposition
Completed on 29/09/24

Laura HENNO. Outremonde

In 2017 French photographer Laura Henno launched into a longterm photographic project in the Slab City camp. For several weeks each year, she moves into a caravan in this city lost in the heart of the Californian desert.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 29/09/24

19e Prix national Photographie Ouverte

The 19th edition of the Prix National Photographie Ouverte drew a lot of submissions! No fewer than 353 in total competed for the jury’s favour.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 29/09/24


In recent years, a new type of influencer has been gaining ground: the virtual influencer. Pretty and smooth, these avatars created from scratch each have a story to tell, sharing their tastes, passions and vision with their community through a transmedia narrative.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 29/09/24


Under the title ‘À l’eau! À l’eau!’, we invite you to rediscover two very different approaches to this theme, but both linked to the summer, when the exhibition will be presented. In our corner of the world, summer can only be understood in terms of two es- sential elements: sun and water. The former generally leads to massive and widespread use of the latter.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 26/05/24

Peter KNAPP. Mon temps

The Musée de la Photographie is hosting an exhibition, the first of its kind in Belgium, conceived by the Swiss Foundation for Photography (Winterthur) on the basis of a generous donation from Peter Knapp.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 26/05/24

Thomas CHABLE. Au-dessus des nuages

A photographer of here and elsewhere, Thomas Chable has travelled to a number of countries, mainly in Africa, including Mali, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso and Morocco, but he has also been to Mexico and France.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 26/05/24

Elliot ROSS. Seeing Animals

After his cat died, Elliot Ross was intrigued by a photograph of his cat that his wife had hung up: What was the animal thinking
at the moment the picture was taken?

Visuel exposition
Completed on 26/05/24

Ingel VAIKLA. Papagalo, What’s The Time?

Papagalo, What’s The Time? explores the architecture of the former Yugoslav pavilion at the Brussels World’s Fair (1958) in its current function as a school, the Sint-Paulus-college.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 16.05.21

Debi Cornwall. Welcome to Camp America

Apart from the prisoners’ orange jumpsuits, few pictures circulate showing what is really hiding behind the walls of Guantanamo, the American military base located at the eastern tip of Cuba and infamous for being a place of torture and incarceration.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 16.05.21

Peter H. Waterschoot. Sunset Memory

Peter H. Waterschoot invites us to take a still journey, woven in the composite tale of a strange night unfolding in dimly lit, confined spaces, and also the town that serves as their host.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 16.05.21

Traunstein. Julie Gasemi / Nicolas Dufranne

“Claire discovers that she appears in a poor quality film found on the internet. She sees herself at the window of her house, accompanied by a man she does not know. They look like they are in love. She decides to set out in search of that stranger, towards Traunstein.”

Visuel exposition
Completed on 31.01.21

Yves Auquier. The fleeting moment

The exhibition L’instant qui fuit retraces the journey of Yves Auquier. Photographer of the intimate, he focuses on the living, on passing time, on the familiar and on the fleeting moment, summing up his own trans-versality by the concept of “intimist realism”.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 17.01.21

Stéphanie Roland. Deception Island

Deception Island is a multidisciplinary work - between performance, film and ins- tallation – which explores the invisible face of a myth of Belgian ...

Visuel exposition
Completed on 17.01.21

Sarah Joveneau. Piel de lucha

“I embarked on writing at a very early age,” Sarah Joveneau, author of the Piel de Lucha series, tells us. “I used to write a lot when I was a kid.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 20.09.20

René Magritte. Les images révélées

The discovery of photographs by René Magritte in the seventies, ten years after the painter’s death, shed new light on his creative process and the close links that he maintained with the “mechanical image”, whether it involved photography or cinematography.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 20.09.20

Laurence Bibot. Studio Madame

From an early age, children love changing their appear- ance, period or gender. They love looking at themselves in the mirror before performing in front of their pals or the family circle. They imitate everyone’s mannerisms or impersonate screen idols.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 20.09.20

Diana Matar. My America

In late 2015 photographic artist Diana Matar began researching where police were killing civilians in America. She made detailed maps in her studio and compiled information about each incidence of lethal police violence in America that occurred over a 2 year period.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 20.09.20

Nina Berman and Jon Lowenstein

Taking Washington D.C. and New York’s Trump Tower as a backcloth, Nina Berman’s short documentary, Triumph of the Shill, reimagines the Leni Riefenstahl 1935 Nazi propaganda classic as an aesthetic blueprint to consider the 2017 presidential inauguration and election of Donald J. Trump.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 20.09.20

Mathieu Van Asshe

For this new edition of La Galerie du Soir, we chose Mathieu Van Assche.
“Initially”, Mathieu Van Assche explains, “I came from the world of illustration”. Born in 1980, this graphic designer by profession came to photography through engraving.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 09.28.24

Bertrand MEUNIER. Erased

After a first presentation in the museum Nicéphore Niépce, ‘Erased’ proposes in 80 silver prints, videos, installations and press clippings, a new take on the vast body of work produced by Meunier in China from 1999 to 2019.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 01.28.24

Virginie NGUYEN HOANG. Ukrain, life under Fire

This exhibition shows the work done produced in the midst of civilians and soldiers who all want the same thing: to liberate their country and bring this murderous war to an end.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 01.28.24

Camille PEYRE. Gare à vous

With a keen interest in economics and finance and in their impact on our lives, Camille Peyre sees the work uniform as
a symbolic object marking differences in class and power.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 01.28.24

Eva CLAUS. Any Way

Any Way follow three characters who evolve on the athletics track of a stadium.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 24.09.23

Sarah Lowie. SIXMILLE

Six thousand Post code of Charleroi. Ancien industriel city in Belgium, called “The black city”.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 24.09.23

Héloïse Boulanger. Canvas

Besides its intrinsic quality, the Canvas series is an exploration of all the techniques available for such work: photography, printing on canvas, 3D printing, superimpositions, collages, silk-screening on paper, repurposing of vinyl records, superimpositions of tracing paper, sewing, painting, video ...

Visuel exposition
Completed on 24.09.23

Randa Maroufi. BAB SEBTA

BAB SEBTA reconstructs a series of situations observed on the border of Sebta, a Spanish enclave on Moroccan soil. This place is the setting for a traffic in goods manufactured and sold at a discount. Thousands of people work there every day.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 21.05.23

Brian McCarty. War-Toys

Brian McCarty, an American photographer living in California, devised the project of depicting global conflicts through the prism of the experience lived by children ever since a trip to Croatia in 1996, shortly after the war of independence.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 21.05.23

Vasco Ascolini. Ciseler l’ombre

Since 1990, Vasco Ascolini has been donating photographs to the Museum. In over thirty years, more than 80 photographs have joined the Museum’s collection.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 21.05.23

Ewelina Rosinska. Earth in the Mouth

A horse-drawn carriage passes through a forest, a choir sings “Mother of God”, a chicken sleeps in a city park. People cross the street, a face in the metro. Someone practices a new song in a rehearsal room, another is being rocked by a friend. A marathon runner is at the finish line.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 21.05.23

Dimitri Michaux. Syllogomanie

For this new edition of La Galerie du Soir, we chose Dimitri Michaux and his work Syllogomania.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 22.01.23

Lisette Model

The Lisette Model exhibition presents a set of 150 works evoking each of her iconic series...

Visuel exposition
Completed on 22.01.23

Ivan Alechine. Mexico Solo

Whether through writing, poetry or photography in this case, his work as an ethnologist is the driving force behind Ivan Alechine.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 22.01.23

Joris Degas. En attendant Saïgon

En attendant Saïgon is a work of photography concerning collective memory, the transmission and the loss of cultural heri- tage within families of immigrants” he explains.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 18.09.22

Karin Borghouts. Paris Impasse

Between 2011 and 2021, the Belgian photographer Karin Borghouts made a pictorial inventory of Paris’s impasses, mostly during an artist-in-residence period in 2015, thanks to the Flemish Government.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 18.09.22

Simon Vansteenwinckel. Wuhan Radiography

Simon Vansteenwinckel was born in Brussels in 1978. He is a photographer and graphic designer. He produces long-haul documentary projects, making the aesthetic choice of the contrasting and granular texture of film.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 18.09.22

Clyde Lepage. Pazea Sovni

As part of their partnership, the Belgian newspaper Le Soir and the Museum of Photography have launched La Galerie du Soir. At the same time as each new major exhibition by the Museum, La Galerie du Soir introduces a young artist to be discovered.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 18.09.22

Rebecca Jane Arthur. Island Flyer

In Island Flyer: A Postcard from the Isle of Wight (2022), the artist takes us on a journey on an island in the English Channel, in the South of England, in search of summertimes gone by.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 22.05.22

Michel Vanden Eeckhoudt

No grandiose events in Michel Vanden Eeckhoudt’s photographs, no political or preachy messages.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 22.05.22

Zoé van der Haegen. Arbres-Troncs

Totem-like remains of nature being destroyed, ‘Trees-Trunks’ are the focus of this visual series mixing collage and photography.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 22.05.22

Melanie De Biasio

As part of the “Trains & Tracks” project, Europalia invited Melanie De Biasio to create a musical composition evoking Italian immigration in the last century.
Travelling by rail, the singer wished to go back and trace the source of what Italians left behind them.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 16.01.22

Gauthier d’Ydewalle. Noosphère

Gauthier d’Ydewalle uses the image to transcribe, interpret and synthesise the books that affected him by immersing them in a composition where the purpose of colours, shapes and shades is to express the deep nature of the literary, philosophical or poetical work that they contain.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 16.01.22

Blind Photo

Un projet mené par le Musée de la Photographie conjointement avec Les Amis des Aveugles de Ghlin

Visuel exposition
Completed on 16.01.22

Vincent Jendly. Lux in tenebris

Lux in tenebris is a combination of photography and videos that take the viewer on an unprecedented and intimate sea journey.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 16.01.22

Chloé Clément. Betula

“I live in the Ath area and like any Belgian from the Borinage, I have always had slag heaps in my field of view. One day, while I was driving through in a car, I realised that people always saw them from far away and I wanted to go and see what was happening there.”

Visuel exposition
Completed on 19.09.21


The NOOR/PULSE exhibition presented at the Museum of Photography in Charleroi is an original idea developed by NOOR and the Museum. It is complemented by en- hanced content through the collaboration of Blinkl, a digital partner.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 19.09.21

18ᵉ Prix national Photographie Ouverte

This 18th Prix national Photographie Ouverte hosted an excellent number of competitors! No less than 403 entries competed to gain the approval of the panel of judges

Visuel exposition
Completed on 19.09.21

Aurore Dal Mas. I am not seen

I am not seen addresses the question of dehumanization and dematerialization of the world through an assembly of surveillance videos, recorded in different places and captured online.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 16.05.21

Le grand atelier of Joel-Peter Witkin

Famous for his provocative and controversial photographs emphasising the morbid, the erotic and the religious, Joel-Peter Witkin, holder of a Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of Albuquerque where he would also study photography, bears witness in his work to a thorough knowledge of classical painting and sculpture as much as photography and mythology.

Visuel exposition
Completed on 16.05.21

Bruno Oliveira. Back to Neverland

As part of their partnership, the Belgian newspaper Le Soir and the Museum of Photography have launched La Galerie du Soir.

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Conserver des traces de notre patrimoine et préserver l’œuvre des créateurs qui ont jalonné l’histoire du médium, sans limites géographiques